
Takeru Higuchi Research Prize

2024 Takeru Higuchi Research Prize

James E. Polli, PhD, BSP

James E. Polli, PhD, BSP

James E. Polli, PhD, BSP, is the Ralph F. Shangraw/Noxell Endowed Chair in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and a University of Maryland Strategic Partnership MPower Professor. His research interest is oral drug absorption, particularly biopharmaceutic risk assessment. His focus is on maximizing oral bioavailability through formulation and chemical approaches and developing public quality standards for oral dosage forms. Polli is recognized as a leading pharmaceutical scientist by his peers, biomedical scientists in regulatory science, and prescribers – especially neurologists – with an interest in medication quality. His research has laboratory and clinical components. Polli earned a BS in pharmacy from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and a PhD in pharmaceutics from the University of Michigan. He is a third-generation pharmacist. Polli has served as advisor to 24 PhD graduates and is director of the School of the Pharmacy’s MS in Regulatory Science program. He is co-director of the University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation and the Center for Research on Complex Generics, both U.S. Food and Drug Administration-funded collaborative agreements. Polli is a fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and was as an editor of its journal, Pharmaceutical Research, for 12 years. He received the 2022 AAPS Global Leadership Award and the 2021 Education Award from The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs (TOPRA). He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Simulations Plus.


The award, established in 1981 in honor of Professor Takeru Higuchi, the first president of the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research & Sciences, recognizes the highest accomplishments in pharmaceutical sciences and is international in scope and stature.


Scientists selected to receive the award shall have demonstrated effective and persistent efforts in pioneering a new concept applicable to the pharmaceutical sciences. Should the conceptual development which is to be recognized have been the cumulative result of collaborative effort by two or three persons, the prize may be awarded to them jointly. In no case may the prize be divided among more than three persons. A period of at least 3 years shall elapse between awards, but the award shall only be made when a worthy candidate is identified. Recipients must be an APhA member. Applications will be evaluated based upon the following criteria (listed alphabetically; not in rank order):

  • Established “stream of research”
  • International recognition
  • Leadership and other recognitions
  • New concepts/innovative research in pharmaceutical science
  • Utilization/implementation of research by the profession, research community, and other disciplines

Nomination process

The award is recognized no more than once every 3 years. APhA publishes a call for nominations for the award. The following individuals are eligible to make nominations: (a) members and former members of the Takeru Higuchi Research Prize Selection Committee; (b) previous recipients of the Takeru Higuchi Research Prize; (c) current members of the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science Executive Council; and (d) such other groups of individuals as may be identified by the committee with the approval of the APhA-APRS Executive Council. The nominator is responsible for submitting a complete nomination.

The nomination is to include the following items:

  • A letter from the nominator describing the most important achievements of the nominee and explaining why the nominee meets the criteria for the award
  • The nomination should be based upon and accompanied by the writing(s) and other documents to which they refer. Other evidence in support of a nomination may be included, based on the concept originated by the nominee and relevant listings from the Citation Index. The Takeru Higuchi Research Prize Selection Committee is authorized to issue instructions to nominators when nominations are solicited.
  • Three letters from scientists qualified to judge the nominee’s contributions
  • A current full curriculum vitae or a detailed résumé of the nominee

Selection process

The Takeru Higuchi Research Prize Selection Committee shall be composed of the five most recent Presidents of the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science. The committee is authorized and charged to seek such expert advice from recognized scientists in relevant disciplines as needed for the selection process.

Nature of award

The award, presented at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition, consists of a medal and a $2,500 honorarium. The recipient also receives a complimentary APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition registration and reimbursement for meeting-related travel expenses, according to current travel policies and up to the maximum amount budgeted by APhA.

Past Recipients

2018 Gordon Amidon

2017 Not Presented

2015 Philip S. Portoghese

2011 Valentino J. Stella

2007 Dale E. Wurster

2003 Ronald T. Borchardt

2000 Leslie Z. Benet

1997 Joseph R. Robinson

1994 Milo Gibaldi

1992 John G. Wagner

1987 William I. Higuchi

1985 Sir James Black

1983 Gerhard Levy

1981 Takeru Higuchi

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