APhA-ASP Chapter Committees are the backbone of a successful chapter. The number of committees varies greatly by school. Quantity is not important. What is important to consider is how many committees are necessary to accomplish the goals and objectives your chapter has set. APhA-ASP chapters usually have the following committees:
Committees of the Communications Vice President
Communications and Public Relations Committee
Under the direction of the Communications Vice President. Works with Chapter Historian, Publicist, Website, and Social Media Chairs to maintain message-based communications through chapter newsletters, web-sites, Facebook, Twitter, bulletin boards, etc.
PharmFlix Committee
Under the direction of the Communications Vice President and PharmFlix Chair. Develops the concept/script, coordinates the direction, shooting, production, and editing of the PharmFlix submission. (PharmFlix Video Contest Resources)
Committees of the Finance Vice President
Fundraising Committee
Develops and executes programs to create revenue for the chapter. Assists the Finance Vice President with chapter financial reporting and tax requirements when needed.
Travel Committee
Develops the budget and organizes registration, housing accommodations and transportation for chapter members attending state, regional and national meetings.
Committees of the International Vice President
IPSF Student Exchange Committee
Works with the International Vice President to set up International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF) student exchange sites at their chapter and assists students who wish to participate in student exchange globally.
IPSF Campaigns and Projects Committee
Develops and implements IPSF projects and programs that benefit the public and the profession of pharmacy both locally and globally. In addition, the committee also assists the International Vice President in submitting the annual IPSF report.
Committees of the Membership Vice President
Membership Committee
Plans and executes fall and spring membership drives under the direction of the Membership Vice President. Promotes the benefits and importance of APhA-ASP involvement. Promotes retaining membership in APhA after graduation.
Social Planning Committee
Plans social activities and functions to maximize engagement, establish chapter pride and identity, and to retain member involvement throughout the year.
Committees of the Patient Care Vice President
Operation Diabetes Committee
Plans and organizes the chapter’s Operation Diabetes campaign under the direction of the Patient Care Vice President and Operation Diabetes Chair. (Operation Diabetes Resources)
Operation Heart Committee
Plans and organizes the chapter’s Operation Heart activities and programming under the direction of the Patient Care Vice President and Operation Heart Chair. (Operation Heart Resources)
Operation Immunization Committee
Plans and organizes the chapter’s Operation Immunization campaign under the direction of the Patient Care Vice President and Operation Immunization Chair. (Operation Immunization Resources)
Generation Rx Committee
Plans and organizes the chapter’s prescription drug abuse programming under the direction of the Patient Care Vice President and Generation Rx Chair. (Generation Rx Resources)
OTC Medicine Safety Committee
Plans and organizes the chapter’s targeted OTC education programming under the direction of the Patient Care Vice President and the OTC Literacy Chair. (OTC Medicine Safety Resources)
Committees of the Policy Vice President
Legislative Action Committee
Assists the Policy Vice President in providing information for members regarding the legislative process and its effect on the pharmacy profession. Monitors information on the APhA Legislative Action Center. Organizes, when necessary, the chapter’s activities regarding specific APhA Call to Action items provided in the APhA Legislative and Regulatory Updates.
Policy Development Committee
Provide student members with the opportunity to voice ideas and concerns and to develop proposals for future consideration for APhA and APhA-ASP policy.
Committees of the President-elect
National Patient Counseling Competition Committee
Develops, promotes, and conducts the APhA-ASP National Patient Counseling Competition (NPCC) on the chapter level under the direction of the President-elect and NPCC Chair. (NPCC Resources)
Professionalism Committee
Works with the chapter and the school or college of pharmacy to plan professionalism events and projects. These projects may include White Coat Ceremonies, Graduation, New Student Orientation, etiquette dinners, leadership symposiums, and career-related programming.