APhA-ASP Women's Health Campaign

The Women’s Health Campaign is now Operation Reproductive Health. We thank Merck and the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA), for their support and dedication to addressing the reproductive health needs of individuals across the country. We are proud of the work our chapters have done to work with their communities and campuses in relation to women’s health and look forward to the continued ways they will impact their communities through Operation Reproductive Health.
Some of the initiatives of the Women’s’ Health Campaign included:
- Provide education on hormonal contraceptive options, access to hormonal contraceptives, and shared clinical decision-making;
- Provide education on reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases;
- Increase student pharmacist awareness of the needs for women’s health education and opportunities for student pharmacist led programming in the community; and
- Promote the profession of pharmacy and the role of pharmacists as a women’s health resource.
Program Results
The Women's Health Campaign was launched as an official APhA-ASP National Patient Care project in 2018. During the 2020-2021 campaign student pharmacists achieved the following results:
- 87 chapter participated
- 5,620 student pharmacists participated
- 220 faculty and staff members participated
- 136 pharmacists participated
- 9,379 individuals educated
- 1,609 on cancer prevention
- 2,189 on HPV vaccination
- 1,099 on hormonal contraceptives
- 1,335,349 individuals reached through public relations initiatives
APhA Women’s Health Resources
Increasing Access to Hormonal Contraceptive Products
Many states now allow pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraceptives to increase and ensure patient access. This 4-hour online interactive training program will prepare pharmacists to discuss the hormonal contraceptive options available to prescribe, furnish or dispense, in accordance with state laws. This training meets the requirements for most states that currently allow pharmacist-furnished contraception.
Test Your Knowledge - HPV Quiz
As immunization providers, pharmacists have an important role in public health and protecting patients from vaccine-preventable diseases. CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends the HPV vaccine for specific populations. Test your knowledge of HPV immunization with this short quiz.
APhA-ASP Women's Health Campaign Presentations
During the 2018 and 2019 APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute, chapter leaders received background information and examples of chapter activities in the area of women's health. View the 2018 presentation and 2019 presentation for more information. You can also review this article from Pharmacy Today on women's health issues for programming ideas.
Additional Resources
The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) promotes the sexual health of individuals, families, and communities by advocating sound policies and practices and educating the public, professionals and policy makers, in order to foster healthy sexual behaviors and relationships and prevent adverse health outcomes.A few suggested resources include:
Chapter Recognition
Every chapter and student pharmacist who participated in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 programs should be proud of the work that was done to support women’s health and community health! Together we reached over 500,000 individuals through education!
Congratulations to the four 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 Outstanding Chapters who were selected and recognized for their work with the Women’s Health Campaign. Their posters can be viewed below.
To be selected for the poster presentation APhA-ASP Chapters needed to complete at least one activity in each of three required areas:
- Providing education on hormonal contraceptive options and access to hormonal contraceptives
- Promoting the pharmacist’s role in reproductive health
- An event focused on women’s health topic of the chapter’s choice
Thank you to the Supporter!
Thank you to Merck for their support of this program and student pharmacists.