
Test to Treat for Paxlovid

Test to Treat for Paxlovid

Pharmacists are permitted to order and prescribe the oral antiviral, Paxlovid, under certain conditions, for eligible patients who test positive for COVID-19. FDA recently recognized pharmacists’ expertise by revising Paxlovid’s EUA to include pharmacists among other health care professionals permitted to prescribe this therapeutic medication.
More information about implementing testing and treatment services is provided below.

Pharmacist Decision Making Support Tool

Pharmacist Decision Making Support Tool

An algorithm designed to help pharmacists assess whether a patient is eligible to receive Paxlovid following a positive COVID-19 test. Download this clinical decision making tool to determine if a prescription for Paxlovid is appropriate.

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Questions about prescribing Paxlovid?

APhA has answered frequently asked questions about Paxlovid, including questions about authority, documentation, and billing.

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APhA Training and Important Resources

APhA Advocacy

Act now: Tell Congress payment for pharmacist prescribing of Paxlovid is critical

Pharmacists now have the authority to prescribe Paxlovid for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 disease under certain conditions. While updating the emergency use authorization (EUA) was a huge step forward, there is no current federal policy providing coverage for the associated clinical services required for pharmacist prescribing.

Use our prewritten, editable advocacy alert to ask your U.S. representatives to contact HHS and CMS to identify a payment pathway to reimburse pharmacists for their prescription of Paxlovid.

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